On Saturday, January 26th, 20 men gathered to launch the first in a series of 6 Mindfulness Practicums that I will facilitate during the coming year. If you were unable to attend the first Practicum I hope that you’ll be able to make one or more of them in the months that follow. We are booked into Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino for the Practicums scheduled for March 8th, May 17th, July 26th and November 8th. We have not set the date for the September Practicum as yet but it will probably be held at the same location in Encino where we met in January. Please mark your calendars now with the above dates and we’ll confirm the date for September shortly (it will likely be September 20th).
I thoroughly enjoyed working with the group of men that attended on Saturday. The depth of the work was profound and the openness and care that was afforded the experience was truly remarkable. I’m truly blessed to be able to offer the work to such a wonderful group of men and look forward to the potential growth and development of the participants over the coming months.
At the end of the Practicum on the 26th approximately a dozen of the men pre-registered for the March 8th Practicum. Those that participated in the first Practicum were offered the opportunity to pre-register for the March 8th Practicum. The registration is now open to those that would like to fill the remaining spaces. If you attended one or more of the Colloquiums offered during 2007, but were unable to participate in the first Practicum in January, I invite you to step back in and experience the next level of the work throughout 2008. We had 3 new men who joined us last month and I welcome more newcomers to the Sacred Path. It’s not necessary to attend all Practicums in the series; however, I do invite you to attend as many as you can to benefit from the continuity and support throughout the coming year. The registration form for the March 8th Practicum can be downloaded below, printed and completed. The remaining spaces will be filled on a first-come basis and a waiting list will be formed.
Now, let’s turn our attention to the 21st Annual Spring Sacred Path Retreat. The Call To Adventure Rites of Passage Retreat for fathers and sons, boys and mentors was first convened in 2000. This upcoming retreat will commence on Thursday, April 10 and run through mid-day Sunday, April 13. The theme of this forthcoming retreat is Commitment. What are you committed to? Whether you know it or not, your actions and what manifests in your life reveal your commitments. If you don’t like what is resulting in your life, then take a look at what you are intending, because that translates through your commitments to the certain outcomes that are showing up. It may be time to honor your commitments, or maybe it’s time to make some changes. The spring retreat can be the perfect opportunity for you to inspect your life, become Mindful of your commitments and take the necessary steps to enhance the quality of your life.
Even though we especially welcome fathers and sons, boys and mentors to this retreat, we also invite any man who just wants to be in the company of other good guys that are endeavoring to make a positive difference in their lives. All retreat-goers will have the opportunity to participate in a sweat lodge, a ropes course, a drum-making workshop and all the other elements that comprise the 4-day event. The ropes course and drum-making workshop are optional and do require an additional enrollment fee. There are plenty of options to choose from so if you don’t want to participate in the ropes course, for example, you will have additional events to choose from. The registration form for this retreat may be downloaded below, completed and submitted to secure your registration.
There will be other seminars to choose from throughout the year. We are in the planning stages of hosting seminars presented by men from our community who are experts on men’s health and anti-aging, financial and estate planning, the Integral Life Formula and anger management, to name a few. As always, I’m looking forward to seeing you at one or more of the events that the Men’s Center and Sacred Path Productions will be hosting in 2008.
In the Spirit of brotherhood,