Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Director's Message for April

Monday, March 30, 2009


My message today will be brief. We’re nearing the commencement of our 22nd Annual Spring Sacred Path Men’s Retreat combined with our 10th Annual Call to Adventure Rites of Passage Retreat. In just a little over two weeks we’ll be back at Gindling Hilltop Camp north of Malibu for another opportunity for good men to convene to bring out the best themselves. At this point we have 25 registrants on the books with another group of approximately 20 boys and mentors coming from the Athens Park region of South Central Los Angeles. Some of the boys will be back for their second, third or even fourth time.

We anticipate that people will continue to register right up to the 16th. Though we don’t turn away last minute registrations it is easier to handle the paperwork sooner than later so if you’re planning to attend please get your registration form in ASAP. In October we had as many registrations the few days preceding the retreat as we had in the weeks leading up to it. Charlene, my secretary, was scrambling to handle everything. It’s also helpful to be able to advise Fulcrum, the ropes course outfit, in advance so that they know how many crewmembers are needed. Scott Edwards has designed a new Call To Adventure T-shirt and we’ll be presenting them as gifts to each man and boy that attends the CTA side of the retreat.

We have raised $6,000 thus far from generous contributors that have made donations into the Timothy Aguilar Memorial Scholarship Fund. In addition to the group from South Central we’ve had requests for financial assistance from others due to the restricted economy. We have $4,500 sitting in the scholarship account in addition to the $6,000 but we can use more so that we can assist others who would like to attend. Please consider making a donation to support the mission of MCLA/Sacred Path to make it possible for more deserving men and boys to participate in this retreat.

We will be honoring the legacy of Timothy in ceremony. I know there are those who wish to attend this retreat as an expression of the bond they had with Timothy. It’s been a number of years since Ray Bunch has been on retreat with us. Many of you will recall that Ray would sit up front with Timothy and me and represent the Elders, offering his unique brand of wisdom and humor. I’m pleased to announce that Ray expressed at Timothy’s Memorial that he missed the fellowship of the men and that he wanted to be with us in April. I’m looking forward to seeing some of the others that we haven’t seen in a while as well.

On another note, I will be facilitating a 2nd day for women on Saturday, May 23rd at Holy Spirit Retreat Center. You will find further information and a registration form below. The last event for women was in November, and I promised to hold a follow up in May around Mother’s Day. For men reading this announcement please let that special woman in your life know about this next practicum. This is a great opportunity for the women in our lives to convene to do their own work and feel more intimately connected to our community.

Wishing you all my best,

See below for the flyer and application for the Spring Sacred Path/Call to Adventure Retreats

Calling All Heroes

Where are all the real heroes today? The role models that once represented leadership for our youth are either absent or distant. Many young men today lack guidance to prepare them for manhood. Positive role models that represent the fundamental qualities of mature masculinity such as honesty, integrity, compassion, a sense of social responsibility and a commitment to purpose are needed now more than ever before.

In fact, now more than ever, our young males are yearning for a sense of belonging. Inner city youth, succumbing to the dramatic absence of fathering and mentoring, turn to urban gangs for a sense of belonging. Males from privileged backgrounds perceive acquisitions as the measure of manhood. It is evident that young men from all backgrounds have entered a troubled world with little guidance, diminished preparation and dashed hope.

In a time of our ancestors, tribes would initiate young men into manhood through a rite of passage. The elders of the tribe to ritualize the young man’s journey into maturity would facilitate a ceremony involving some form of challenge.

As the ones who created the world our youth will inherit, it is our job to prepare our young people for the journey ahead. Although we cannot provide them with their answers, we can point them in the direction of the right questions to ask and equip them with tools for their process of self-discovery. The Call to Adventure Retreat is a rare opportunity for young men to become heroes in their own lives and leaders in their community.

THE CALL TO ADVENTURE RETREAT offers contemporary rites of passage into manhood for young men. This is an ideal bonding experience for fathers and sons. In today’s culture, it is critical that young men have pivotal experiences that present a model of true manhood. This retreat is that transformational adventure!

Not only for fathers and sons but for spiritual warriors of all ages…a four-day vision quest into the heart of one’s soul that includes discussions, stories, leadership and following processes, a team building ropes course, workshops, sacred ceremony, time for introspection, self-reflection and meditation all geared to providing dynamic opportunities to discover one’s authentic self within a context of safety, acceptance, understanding and love.

The 10th annual CTA is fast approaching. The event commences Thursday afternoon, April 16th and concludes Sunday afternoon, April 19th. It takes place on a hilltop overlooking the coastline, just beyond the Malibu city limits in Ventura County. A varied menu and comfortable lodging are provided. An enriching experience is promised. An adventure of personal development is guaranteed.

Visit our web site,, to read more about our programs and this upcoming retreat. Listen to audio recordings and view videos that illustrate what has been accomplished when good men come together to make a positive difference in their own lives and the lives of others.

You’re invited to participate with a group of dedicated individuals committed to supporting the work of the Men’s Center Los Angeles through our efforts to provide inner city boys the opportunity to have a memorable experience of conscious manhood. There are a number of areas in this endeavor that can use more manpower. MCLA is working in collaboration with C.U.R.E., USC coach Pete Carroll’s A Better LA, UNITY, those in prevention with LAPD, LA County Probation, County of LA Sheriff’s Department as well as LA County Parks and Recreation to expand our youth enhancement program. We sincerely hope that you’ll favorably consider joining us.

To download the flyer for the Spring 2009 Sacred Path Men’s Retreat and the Call To Adventure Rites of Passage Retreat, click HERE

To download the application for the Spring 2009 Sacred Path Men’s Retreat and the Call To Adventure Rites of Passage Retreat, click HERE

2nd Women's Practicum May 23 at Holy Spirit

Sacred Path Productions
The Mindfulness Practicum – A Day for Women
Dr. Stephen J. Johnson, Ph.D.
Saturday, May 23, 2008, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Holy Spirit Retreat Center
4316 Lanai Road, Encino

For over 35 years, Dr. Stephen Johnson has been bringing out the best in people. In 1976 he co-founded The Center for Holistic Psychology in Beverly Hills. The early 1980’s saw the creation of Blueprint For Life Seminars for men and women and in 1984 he co-founded the H.E.A.R.T.S.WORK retreats also for men and women. In 1987 he was inspired to direct his attention to men’s work and created the Sacred Path Men’s Retreat and founded the Men’s Center Los Angeles in 1988. For the past 20 years he has focused his work largely on men and their relationships. Now it is once again the time to give back to women. This is your opportunity to participate in a life enhancing experience with Stephen and his staff. As one who is committed to living a conscious life, you are invited to attend this Practicum on the Spiritual Psychology of Mindfulness.

In this challenging time it’s helpful to surround oneself with likeminded people seeking the solace and comfort within the understanding and compassion that connects our hearts and opens our minds to new ways of dealing with life’s lessons. In November a group of women gathered for a day devoted to that endeavor. Safety, sincerity and the spirit of sisterhood flourished in an atmosphere conducive for deep work. At the end of the day the question was unanimously posed, “When can we do this again?” May 23rd is the day that has been set aside for a select group of women to join Stephen and three of the men from the Wisdom Council that facilitate the workshops and retreats for men on the Sacred Path. You are invited to be a part of this group. Explore, share, meditate and breathe deeply together during a day designed to replace the stress of doing with the lightness of being.

In 1974, while a Doctoral Fellow in Rehabilitation Psychology at the University of Southern California, Stephen published his research on the Benefits of Yoga Therapy on Self-Concept, Conflict Resolution and Emotional Adjustment. He went on to study a post-doctoral curriculum for four years at the National Academy of Metaphysics and was one of a group of individuals assisting Leonard Orr during his pioneering work with the powerful breathing process called Rebirthing. This became the foundation for the blending of spirituality and psychology that has been at the heart of Stephen’s personal evolvement and his professional practice as a psychotherapist and educator.

Space is limited; enrollments will be accepted on a first come basis; please enroll early to reserve your spot.

The fee for the Practicum is $150.00, which covers program, lunch, morning and afternoon snacks. Checks should be made to the order of Sacred Path Productions, Inc. and should be mailed with the completed registration form to:
Men’s Center Los Angeles, 21243 Ventura Blvd., Suite 214, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Applications with credit card information can be faxed to (818) 348-9302.
For reservations, call Rich Manners at 818-888-8852 or e-mail:
Please put “Practicum” in the subject of your e-mail.
Enrollment fee refunded minus $25 processing fee if cancellation is made on or before Friday, May 15th.

To download the flyer/application for the Women's Practicum, click HERE

LeVar Burton's new play, "The Caterer"

Hey Y'all

I am returning to my theater roots. This is the first play I have done in 25 years and I am both exhilarated and scared shitless, however rarely have I felt more alive! It was penned by my genius friend, Brian Alan Lane, who has essentially written it for me, and we have assembled a wonderfully talented cast of actors for this the World Premiere. I would LOVE for you to come see it!

Here is the information:

THE CATERER @ The Whitefire Theater in Sherman Oaks 13500 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423.
Curtain is at 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets for all seats are $34.99.

...and please feel free to forward this to anyone you know who might be interested!!! — Thanks so much!


For tickets: You may direct link to our website at —
or phone 323-960-7724

THE CATERER is a powerful and darkly funny tale about the one experience which each one of us
shares with all of humanity: death. What is the most appropriate death for you? Come experience
THE CATERER and find out. Writer Brian Alan Lane says, “Whether you love THE CATERER or
hate it, whether you think it too true or too ridiculous, whether you are afraid of it or embrace it, there
is something chilling each of you will find: whatever this story is, it is all about you and no one else.”

Robert Bly in Santa Barbara on April 23

Review of "Removing Your Mask" Workshop

The March 14th workshop, “Removing Your Mask and Facing Your Shadow,” was attended by 17 men, 7 of whom were participating for the first time. Interestingly, there were quite a few older men in attendance who had realized that something was blocking their path to joy and satisfaction at this time in their lives.

Dr. Johnson began the meeting with readings and meditation, and then asked Jose Macias, a man with a powerful spirit indeed, to share a prayer with us. We each spoke of what we felt was holding us back in our relationships, careers, and spiritual development. The men had a rare opportunity by means of a powerful process to see how their internal voices could sabotage their efforts for a happy and meaningful life. They also learned how to generate positive voices to counter and neutralize the negative ones.

As many of the workshops gain their own personalities as they progress, this one became very light-hearted and positive toward the end. Many of the men left with smiles on their faces, feeling that they had gained a powerful tool to deal with their shadow parts that had been controlling their emotions and actions.