Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Enroll before Thursday, March 25th for the 11th Annual Spring Call to Adventure Rites of Passage Retreat and take advantage of additional savings!

Here is the flier and registration form for the 11th Annual Spring Call to Adventure Rites of Passage Retreat for Fathers and Sons, Boys and Mentors commencing Thursday, April 15 thru Sunday, April 18. Please note that there is a discounted rate for dyadic enrollments as well as an additional discount if you register by Thursday, March 25th. Contact us regarding group (4 or more) discounts. You can download the registration form and then complete it and either fax it or mail it in with a check.

Partial and full scholarships are awarded based on request and established by need. At this point we have approximately $1,200 available for men needing scholarship assistance to attend the 23rd Annual Sacred Path Men’s Retreat happening concurrently with the CTA (separate SP flier and registration forms may be downloaded from our web site). We now have $7,500 available in scholarships for those attending the Call To Adventure part of the retreat. We would like to increase this fund by at least $2,500 to be able to bring more deserving boys in from the inner city to attend the CTA. For each $500 that is donated we can fully scholarship one youth. Please consider making a donation or getting the message out to sources capable of contributing to our Scholarship Funds. All donations in any amount are welcomed and greatly appreciated.

For those wishing to donate to assist men in need, you can earmark your donation for the Conrad Burke Memorial Scholarship Fund. If you wish to contribute to our youth scholarship fund, you can earmark your donation for the Walter Atkinson Memorial Scholarship Fund. Checks may be made out to Millennium Oaks Institute that manages our scholarship programs. M.O.I is a 501c3 Not-For-Profit Organization that is overseen by Charlie Atkinson, Walter’s son. Thank you for your generous support of our programs.

To download the Spring 2010 Call to Adventure Flyer, CLICK HERE
To download the Spring 2010 Call to Adventure Application, CLICK HERE
To download the Spring 2010 Sacred Path Retreat Flyer, CLICK HERE
To download the Spring 2010 Sacred Path Retreat Application, CLICK HERE

Monday, March 15, 2010

Great News!

First of all, Due to the fact that the newsletter, flier and registration form for the Spring Sacred Path Men’s Retreat got out later than anticipated, on Saturday at our Wisdom Council meeting we elected to extend the early bird deadline to Thursday, March 25th. Secondly, as a result of the outstanding fund raising efforts of one of the men in our community we have raised over $10,000 in donations within the past two weeks. This now allows us to move forward with the Call To Adventure portion of the retreat. Therefore we will hold the 23rd Annual Sacred Path Men’s Retreat and the 11th Annual Call To Adventure Rites of Passage Retreat for Fathers and Sons, Boys and Mentors one month from now, commencing Thursday, April 15th thru Sunday, April 18th.

We have included again the PDF of the Sacred Path flier and the registration form so that you can complete and return your registration if you’re planning to attend the men’s retreat. The flier and registration form for the CTA is being revised and will be forwarded later this week for those interested in attending the Rites of Passage portion of the retreat.

The pricing for the CTA retreat is as follows: Call To Adventure Individual Registration - $550 before Thursday, March 25th, $595 after. Call To Adventure Dyadic Registration - $1,050 before Thursday, March 25th, $1,100 after. (Dyads comprise a father and son or a boy and his mentor. Fee includes accommodations, food, program, Stone Peoples’ Lodge and Ropes Course.) Watch for the CTA flier and registration form later this week.

In brotherhood,

PS - As a result of our being able to move forward with the CTA for this spring, the following message was sent out by community servant Cameron Bonner to those on his mailing list that have been supporting the united efforts to bring peace and harmony to the neighborhoods in the South Central Los Angeles community. I thought you would be touched by his expressed sentiments:

Dear friends,

I was blessed to get this wonderful news and I need to share it with you. Each person on this list represents something special to the youth of West Athens and Athens area's of south Los Angeles. Words can't describe how happy I am to be able to take young men up to the retreat in the beautiful hills in Malibu. For 4 days our boys get the chance to see men of all backgrounds. Kids are taught to use tools to help them avoid trouble and peer pressure that destroys so many lives before they even begin to live.

Friends, it's time to revive the team that fights for our children's lives. Because many of you don't live in the community you don't get the chance to see the changes. Because of all of you my hood is now a community again. I see families walking their dogs. I see kids walking to and from the parks. Please understand that from time to time we'll fall down but because of the our efforts we now have a line of communication that focuses on ending the killings in the inner cities as well as stopping the violence the destruction of a generation of kids by providing programs and activities that offer a way up and out for our youth. All children need hope, and with that being said, I pledge along with my team to continue to work as hard as we can for peace as well as bringing positive people like all of you and positive images to our communities so our families will never need to know the pain like Saleka Ortiz, mother of Marquise Ortiz, had to face and deal with since he was taken from us.

Bless you Dr. Stephen Johnson and the brothers of the Call to Adventure retreat. I pray someone can help us get publicity for these men. They deserve light shinned on them for helping plant seeds of hope in as many young boys that they can afford to scholarship each year. We take boys up to the mountain and we bring home young men.

Thank you all for all you do or have done over the years. May you your families all be blessed with as much kindness, joy, love and happiness as you desire. I truly believe when you give from your heart you'll be blessed 10 times what you give. I say this because I look at all my community has now and I smile.

Bless you all!

Cameron Bonner
Proud community servant
Kalikoats Kidz outreach/public relations

Monday, March 1, 2010

Director's Message for March 2010

Greetings Sacred Path Community,

My message this month will be brief and will highlight a few elements that I believe are newsworthy:

The first is offered as a well-deserved acknowledgement of a man that has served the Sacred Path and Men’s Center community for several years. Rich Manners has been the editor-in-chief and gatekeeper of our monthly newsletter, mailing list and messages to update you on a regular basis. He has also been by my side as one of my assistants for our one-day events. Recently, Rich has suffered another stroke to the optic nerve causing a further loss of eyesight exacerbating a preexisting condition. Due to this current episode Rich is now disabled to the point that he cannot continue to oversee the communication process. I want to thank Rich for his loyal and generous service to our community and ask that you hold him in your prayers. Rich is truly a loving, gentle man and a model of Mindful Manhood.

Secondly, we are six weeks from our spring retreat. Due to unavoidable circumstances we were delayed in getting the flier and registration out for the spring retreat until now. We have included herewith a message from me regarding the theme and content of the retreat as well as a flier and form so that you can sign up. Take note that for those seeking a reduced fee there is a discount for early registration before March 15th. There is also a reduced fee for groups of 4 or more that register. Feel free to contact us regarding a group discount. We had made the difficult decision to forgo the Call To Adventure portion of the retreat this spring due to a lack of funding in our scholarship account. However, one of our men has stepped forward expressing the desire to raise the funds so that we could have a CTA retreat. At this point he has collected over $8,000 in donations that will allow us to scholarship several boys and mentors in need of financial support. I will let you know when we will be scheduling the CTA retreat but for now registration for the Spring Sacred Path Men’s Retreat is officially open. Please help us get the word out.

Thirdly, I was among a group of 20 men that just returned from navigating down the Colorado River from Hoover Dam commencing last Thursday through Sunday. 14 of us kayaked down the river two years ago. We explored caves, climbed cliffs, hiked, soaked in natural hot pools, prayed in our sweat lodge, cooked our meals, sat in council and enjoyed the good natured fellowship and fraternal bond of being together in the great outdoors. 20 men, ages 16 – 72, canoed down the river this time and once again enjoyed the camaraderie of being together in nature. I want to thank all of the men that participated and especial thanks to Dan Stanton and Andrew Soliz for shepherding this trip. Their leadership was strong and true.

In brotherhood,