Sunday, February 8, 2009
I want to thank Richard Bizzaro, Chris Rudy and Dr. Howard Elkin, our guest presenters for the Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Symposium held at Holy Spirit Retreat Center on Saturday, January 31. Twenty men participated in this gathering and a review of the day will be found on this month’s Blog.
The next one-day gathering of men will be at Holy Spirit Retreat Center on Saturday, March 14. The theme of the event is “Removing Your Mask and Facing Your Shadow.”
Internationally renown poet, author and leader of men, Robert Bly, in his book, The Little Book of the Human Shadow, has taken up the challenge of the dark side of the human personality and the importance of confronting it. Robert states, “We notice that when sunlight hits the body, the body turns bright, but it throws a shadow, which is dark. The brighter the light, the darker the shadow. Each of us has some part of our personality that is hidden from us…” and, I would add that we strive to hide from others. We tend to show others only what we want them to see. Our Personas are designed for others and our Shadows are designed to conceal that which is considered private or unpresentable. It has been said that we're only as sick as our secrets and that the truth will ultimately set us free. Over the Temple at Delphi is the admonition: To Thine Own Self Be True.
Author Connie Sweig in her book, Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature, states that there are “…key moments in one’s personal journey, those mythic moments that are archetypal in our own lives: our acceptance of family lineage and duty; our disillusionment with the status quo and poignant longing for something more; an encounter with an unexpected guide or beloved; a reversal in our values and priorities; a seemingly terrible loss; and an inner realization or awakening. This journey from innocence to knowledge, from knowledge to love, and from love to illumination is the journey of the saints and sages in all traditions -- and it is our own.”
These are interesting times for sure. We are dealing with a shifting economy, facing global environmental challenges and walking a critical personal path. We are hanging onto hope and compassion in a storm of uncertainty. We are each being tested by the conditions around us and by the reactions of a frightened world. Every one of us is being called into a spiritual process of choosing faith or fear on a moment-to-moment basis. In choosing fear, we fall prey to our inner demons and become lost in the shadow we hide from the world. In choosing faith, we open to the infinite possibilities for change and begin to become the masters of our destiny.
The upcoming workshop on March 14th is about having the courage to take off the mask and bring our shadow into the light. As we expose our shadow to the light, it ceases to have power over us. As we move forward in faith, we discover a power within that we didn’t know was there. This is a workshop for the brave. Come discover your true power. On the one hand, it could save your very life and, at least, it can allow your journey to be a little less harrowing. You will find the registration form for this workshop below.
Where are all the real heroes today? The role models that once represented leadership for our youth are either absent or distant. Many young men today lack guidance to prepare them for manhood. Positive role models that modeled the fundamental qualities of manhood such as honesty, integrity, compassion, social responsibility and a commitment to purpose are crucial to the development of boys as they mature into conscious masculinity.
Now more than ever, our young people are yearning for a sense of belonging. The tragic news today reveals that single moms are raising 80% of children of African American descent. Fathers are not present for the most part. As a result, inner city youth often turn to urban gangs for leadership and male attention. Young men from privileged backgrounds perceive acquisitions as the measure of manhood. Young men from all backgrounds are entering into a troubled world with little preparation, little leadership and little hope.
In the time of our ancestors, tribes would initiate young men into manhood through a rite of passage. The elders of the tribe to ritualize the young man’s journey into manhood facilitated a ceremonial process involving a variety of challenges.
As the ones who have created the world that our youth will inherit, it is our responsibility to prepare our young people for the journey ahead. Although we cannot provide them with their answers, we can point them in the direction of the right questions to ask and support them by providing the tools necessary for their process of self-discovery.
For the tenth time since 2000, we’re once again gearing up for the Call to Adventure Rites of Passage Retreat for fathers and sons, boys and mentors. And we’re inviting men to gather for the 22nd Annual Spring Sacred Path Men’s Retreat at Gindling Hilltop Camp North of Malibu commencing Thursday, April 16 through Sunday, April 19. The theme of this retreat is “A Gathering of Remarkable Men.” In addition to the Wisdom Council staff, renown guests, fathers, sons and men from the Sacred Path Community, we’re anticipating having a number of young men from the inner city that are seeking to find the direction that leads to productive and fulfilling lives.
These youngsters that will participate with us on the mountain desperately need to be in the presence of good men that are modeling what it means to live a life of balance mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. This retreat provides a rare opportunity for young men to become heroes in their own lives and leaders in their community. The activities include Talking Stick Community Gatherings, interactive Tribe meetings, the Ropes Course, the Sweat Lodge and empowering workshops. We will be e-mailing the flier and registration form later this week. There is a discount for early enrollment so we encourage you to send in your deposit right away to reserve your spot.
Also, in this newsletter, in celebration of Valentine’s Day and the official dawning of the Age of Aquarius we are providing some information we believe you’ll find enlightening. Mariangela Pino and her husband, Hank Landau who is one of our remote Wisdom Council brothers, are coming to Los Angeles and presenting at the Bodhi Tree bookstore on the 14th. You will also find some information about the fund established to honor our departed brother, Timothy Aguilar.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Workshop: Removing Your Mask and Facing Your Shadow
Internationally renown poet, author and leader of men, Robert Bly, in his book, The Little Book of the Human Shadow, has taken up the challenge of the dark side of the human personality and the importance of confronting it. Robert states, “We notice that when sunlight hits the body, the body turns bright, but it throws a shadow, which is dark. The brighter the light, the darker the shadow. Each of us has some part of our personality that is hidden from us…” and, I would add that we strive to hide from others. We tend to show others only what we want them to see. Our Personas are designed for others and our Shadows are designed to conceal that which is considered private or unpresentable. It has been said that we're only as sick as our secrets and that the truth will ultimately set us free. Over the Temple at Delphi is the statement: To Thine Own Self Be True.
Author Connie Sweig in her book, Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature, states that there are “…key moments in one’s personal journey, those mythic moments that are archetypal in our own lives: our acceptance of family lineage and duty; our disillusionment with the status quo and poignant longing for something more; an encounter with an unexpected guide or beloved; a reversal in our values and priorities; a seemingly terrible loss; and an inner realization or awakening. This journey from innocence to knowledge, from knowledge to love, and from love to illumination is the journey of the saints and sages in all traditions -- and it is our own.”
These are interesting times for sure. We are dealing with a shifting economy, facing global environmental challenges and walking a critical personal path. We are hanging onto hope and compassion in a storm of uncertainty. We are each being tested by the conditions around us and by the reactions of a frightened world. Every one of us is being called into a spiritual process of choosing faith or fear on a moment-to-moment basis. In choosing fear, we fall prey to our inner demons and become lost in the shadow we hide from the world. In choosing faith, we open to the infinite possibilities for change and begin to become the masters of our destiny.
This workshop is about having the courage to take off the masks and bring our shadows into the open. As we expose our shadow to the light, it ceases to have power over us. As we move forward in faith, we discover a power within that we didn’t know was there. This is a workshop for the brave. Come discover your true power. On the one hand, it could save your very life, and at least it can allow your journey to be a little less harrowing.
Author Connie Sweig in her book, Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature, states that there are “…key moments in one’s personal journey, those mythic moments that are archetypal in our own lives: our acceptance of family lineage and duty; our disillusionment with the status quo and poignant longing for something more; an encounter with an unexpected guide or beloved; a reversal in our values and priorities; a seemingly terrible loss; and an inner realization or awakening. This journey from innocence to knowledge, from knowledge to love, and from love to illumination is the journey of the saints and sages in all traditions -- and it is our own.”
These are interesting times for sure. We are dealing with a shifting economy, facing global environmental challenges and walking a critical personal path. We are hanging onto hope and compassion in a storm of uncertainty. We are each being tested by the conditions around us and by the reactions of a frightened world. Every one of us is being called into a spiritual process of choosing faith or fear on a moment-to-moment basis. In choosing fear, we fall prey to our inner demons and become lost in the shadow we hide from the world. In choosing faith, we open to the infinite possibilities for change and begin to become the masters of our destiny.
This workshop is about having the courage to take off the masks and bring our shadows into the open. As we expose our shadow to the light, it ceases to have power over us. As we move forward in faith, we discover a power within that we didn’t know was there. This is a workshop for the brave. Come discover your true power. On the one hand, it could save your very life, and at least it can allow your journey to be a little less harrowing.
The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
A Rare Astrological Concentration
When the Moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars.
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars.
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the minds true liberation
by Dr. Jude Currivan, PhD.
from The Prophets Conference Sacred Journey to Malta
Details of the trip can be found at:
In mid February, we are offered cosmic support to remember who we really are, by a rare astrological concentration that brings together a number of planets together with the North Node – denoting higher purpose - in Aquarius. And which energizes and inspires the possibility for transcendental breakthrough and healing.
We measure our global sense of both space (longitude) and time (universal time - UT or GMT) from the prime meridian located at Greenwich, England. We can perceive the collective influence of this momentous astrological event by looking at the alignment from this globally ‘centered’ perspective. When we do, something extraordinary and exquisite emerges.
At dawn on 14th February the day dedicated to St Valentine, the patron saint of Love, the Moon in Libra enters the seventh house of relationships. And Jupiter and Mars are aligned in Aquarius in the twelfth house of spiritual transformation.
Forty years ago, the intuitive words of a song called Aquarius, brought the dawning of the new age into our collective awareness:
When the Moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars.
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars.
At dawn on 14th February the Cosmos actually embodies this perfect alignment to support our collective manifestation of love and peace and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
The Aquarian chart of 14th February reveals an incredible concentration of cosmic influences blending with the energies of Aquarius in the twelfth house. Expansive Jupiter and energetic Mars are aligned with the higher purpose of the North Node. The presence of Chiron the wounded healer offers us the opportunity to heal the schisms that have separated us for so long. Neptune emphasizes collective humanitarian movements and the co-creation of social justice. And the presence of the radiant Sun enlightens the entire alignment.
At 7:25 am on 14th February – and for the 18 minutes of the alignment, I invite you, in the universal heart, to add your own intention for love and peace and to co-create the dawning of the Age of Aquarius to that of the Cosmos. In whatever way feels appropriate for you, you may choose to align with7.25am (UT) or 7.25am your own local time energizing a wave of intention that will surge around the Earth.
Having searched over a thousand years of records, I can find no other alignments in the past of this incredible significance. But amazingly, at one moment in time nearly fifty years ago, the collective voices of our ancient ancestors seem to have been given such a cosmic voice to energetically seed this coming Age and the birth of the Aquarian human.
In 1962 at the same time on the same day, as 2009, Jupiter and Mars were in Aquarius in the twelfth house and the Moon in the seventh house. But then the awesome concentration of planets that energize the 2009 alignment was missing.
And instead of the North Node (higher purpose) being aligned with Jupiter and Mars as it is in 2009, it was in opposition.
What this means is that back in 1962 it was the so-called south node rather than the north node that was aligned with Jupiter and Mars.
The south node represents what we bring in from the past. So in 1962 the potential for us the birth the Age of Aquarius came through from our collective race memory - but only now are we able to fully manifest its higher purpose. In 1962 we essentially took a collective in-breath of possibility and now with the cosmic support of the Aquarian alignment of 14th February 2009 we are able to take the out-breath and make it happen.
The second verse of the song Aquarius is:
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the minds true liberation
Let us join our voices to those of our ancestors and all the peacemakers throughout the millennia that hoped for and sought to co-create Heaven on Mother Earth. Their intentions and hard work kept the possibility of this vision alive. And in our time, we have the opportunity to realize their dreams and ours and enable a Homecoming for us all!
Fall in Love With Yourself Presentation
by Mariangela Pino and Hank Landau
This True North Presentation will entail:
• A Welcoming Ritual
• Presentation of Material – Segment One
• Mystical Discourse/Q & A
• Presentation of Material – Segment Two
• Mystical Discourse/Q & A
• Cosmic Heart Meditative Journey
• Closing
True North Presentations are offered by the Center for True North at a variety of venues throughout the year. 2008 True North Presentation topics are based on material from True North Transmissions, Volume One, entitled SPIRITUAL ADULTHOOD ~Our Encoded Heritage~, which is the first in a twelve-volume series of mystical writings. The textured strands of truth contained in the volumes of True North Transmissions are a compilation of insights and observations obtained by Mariangela Pino Landau through telepathically transmitted messages, self-facilitated vision quests and mystical contemplation.
Fall In Love With Yourself
As A Cosmic Being
at a Valentine’s Day provocative & illuminating presentation
Spiritual Adulthood®
Mariangela Pino Landau
offered by
The Center for True North
Date: Saturday, Feb 14th, 2009
Time: 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Fee: $25/person or $20/person with a friend (doors open at 7:00pm)
Location: 8585 Melrose Ave,
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Register: at 435.680.1668 or
or via email:
to view the link to the e-flyer, click on:
For metaphysical seekers who desire freedom through avenues of authentic spirituality. Remove the veils, break out of spiritual prisons and embrace a life of significance.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This mystical excursion will invite you to cross the threshold into Spiritual Adulthood by sifting through the tenets of spiritual truth you’ve embraced and allowing for the possibility that a portion of what you’ve been holding as truth might now be holding you. It will beckon you to cast aside outmoded notions and overthrow assumptions that do not contribute to your destiny. You will be infused us with a fervid desire to reclaim your cosmic identity and activate the truths encoded in your core and to weave these threads of truth into an illuminating tapestry that will contribute to the critical mass required to complete the paradigm shift. As we step into our Spiritual Adulthood, the choices we make thereafter will fundamentally transform all that is.This True North Presentation will entail:
• A Welcoming Ritual
• Presentation of Material – Segment One
• Mystical Discourse/Q & A
• Presentation of Material – Segment Two
• Mystical Discourse/Q & A
• Cosmic Heart Meditative Journey
• Closing
True North Presentations are offered by the Center for True North at a variety of venues throughout the year. 2008 True North Presentation topics are based on material from True North Transmissions, Volume One, entitled SPIRITUAL ADULTHOOD ~Our Encoded Heritage~, which is the first in a twelve-volume series of mystical writings. The textured strands of truth contained in the volumes of True North Transmissions are a compilation of insights and observations obtained by Mariangela Pino Landau through telepathically transmitted messages, self-facilitated vision quests and mystical contemplation.
Each True North Presentation is followed by a book signing
an opportunity to learn more about
The Center for True North’s programs, services & products
For more information visit our website
or call: 435.680.1668
Rich Manners: Review of Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Symposium
Twenty-one men met for the Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Symposium on January 31st at Holy Spirit Retreat Center.
Dr. Stephen Johnson began the day with opening remarks and a meditation, followed by the passing of the talking stick so that the men had an opportunity to introduce themselves, speak about their personal challenges and share how they are dealing with them. This gave the presenters an opportunity to have some awareness about their audience and how to direct their presentations.
Three experts in their fields gave exciting presentations: Richie Bizzaro on the state of business today, Chris Rudy on physical fitness, and Dr. Howard Elkin, M.D., on men’s health and aging.
Richie’s job was not an easy one due to the current state of finances in this country, yet his message was one of faith and positive thinking. He stressed that business and financial trends have always been cyclical, and this downturn was no different. He gave us a comprehensive slide presentation showing how in many cases the media has had a great deal to do with the continued financial panic in our country. Their doom-and-gloom reporting is geared to sell the sponsor’s products by any means possible, and fear is a wonderful tool to use. More people will watch channels that provide murders, rapes, crashes, and fires than those that talk about positive occurrences.
Chris’ presentation dealt with the basics of physical fitness and how to progress step-by-step from a state of physical unwellness to one of bodily fitness and health. He measured the body fat ratio of many of our attendees and explained in detail how our musculature works. He then went on to outline the four cornerstones of health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, and how we must balance them all to retain our well-being.
Dr. Elkin went into great detail on attaining heart health and proper nutrition, although time passed much too quickly for him to give us all the information he wanted to impart. He was a fountain of knowledge, speaking about what happens to men as we age, what signs to look for concerning possible dangers, and how to bring ourselves back to a healthy condition. He talked about the pre-diabetic condition affecting many of us , where we develop a ring of fat around our waist, our bad cholesterol and our triglycerides rise, and our testosterone level falls. His description of the national epidemic of obesity and the development of diabetes by children was hair-raising, as we see how the fast-food industry disregards the health of its clients for the sake of profits.
We learned an incredible amount of useful information, and the day went by like a rocket. I’m hopeful that we have many more seminars like today’s, and that they develop the large attendance they deserve.
Dr. Stephen Johnson began the day with opening remarks and a meditation, followed by the passing of the talking stick so that the men had an opportunity to introduce themselves, speak about their personal challenges and share how they are dealing with them. This gave the presenters an opportunity to have some awareness about their audience and how to direct their presentations.
Three experts in their fields gave exciting presentations: Richie Bizzaro on the state of business today, Chris Rudy on physical fitness, and Dr. Howard Elkin, M.D., on men’s health and aging.
Richie’s job was not an easy one due to the current state of finances in this country, yet his message was one of faith and positive thinking. He stressed that business and financial trends have always been cyclical, and this downturn was no different. He gave us a comprehensive slide presentation showing how in many cases the media has had a great deal to do with the continued financial panic in our country. Their doom-and-gloom reporting is geared to sell the sponsor’s products by any means possible, and fear is a wonderful tool to use. More people will watch channels that provide murders, rapes, crashes, and fires than those that talk about positive occurrences.
Chris’ presentation dealt with the basics of physical fitness and how to progress step-by-step from a state of physical unwellness to one of bodily fitness and health. He measured the body fat ratio of many of our attendees and explained in detail how our musculature works. He then went on to outline the four cornerstones of health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, and how we must balance them all to retain our well-being.
Dr. Elkin went into great detail on attaining heart health and proper nutrition, although time passed much too quickly for him to give us all the information he wanted to impart. He was a fountain of knowledge, speaking about what happens to men as we age, what signs to look for concerning possible dangers, and how to bring ourselves back to a healthy condition. He talked about the pre-diabetic condition affecting many of us , where we develop a ring of fat around our waist, our bad cholesterol and our triglycerides rise, and our testosterone level falls. His description of the national epidemic of obesity and the development of diabetes by children was hair-raising, as we see how the fast-food industry disregards the health of its clients for the sake of profits.
We learned an incredible amount of useful information, and the day went by like a rocket. I’m hopeful that we have many more seminars like today’s, and that they develop the large attendance they deserve.
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