Sunday, February 8, 2009
I want to thank Richard Bizzaro, Chris Rudy and Dr. Howard Elkin, our guest presenters for the Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Symposium held at Holy Spirit Retreat Center on Saturday, January 31. Twenty men participated in this gathering and a review of the day will be found on this month’s Blog.
The next one-day gathering of men will be at Holy Spirit Retreat Center on Saturday, March 14. The theme of the event is “Removing Your Mask and Facing Your Shadow.”
Internationally renown poet, author and leader of men, Robert Bly, in his book, The Little Book of the Human Shadow, has taken up the challenge of the dark side of the human personality and the importance of confronting it. Robert states, “We notice that when sunlight hits the body, the body turns bright, but it throws a shadow, which is dark. The brighter the light, the darker the shadow. Each of us has some part of our personality that is hidden from us…” and, I would add that we strive to hide from others. We tend to show others only what we want them to see. Our Personas are designed for others and our Shadows are designed to conceal that which is considered private or unpresentable. It has been said that we're only as sick as our secrets and that the truth will ultimately set us free. Over the Temple at Delphi is the admonition: To Thine Own Self Be True.
Author Connie Sweig in her book, Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature, states that there are “…key moments in one’s personal journey, those mythic moments that are archetypal in our own lives: our acceptance of family lineage and duty; our disillusionment with the status quo and poignant longing for something more; an encounter with an unexpected guide or beloved; a reversal in our values and priorities; a seemingly terrible loss; and an inner realization or awakening. This journey from innocence to knowledge, from knowledge to love, and from love to illumination is the journey of the saints and sages in all traditions -- and it is our own.”
These are interesting times for sure. We are dealing with a shifting economy, facing global environmental challenges and walking a critical personal path. We are hanging onto hope and compassion in a storm of uncertainty. We are each being tested by the conditions around us and by the reactions of a frightened world. Every one of us is being called into a spiritual process of choosing faith or fear on a moment-to-moment basis. In choosing fear, we fall prey to our inner demons and become lost in the shadow we hide from the world. In choosing faith, we open to the infinite possibilities for change and begin to become the masters of our destiny.
The upcoming workshop on March 14th is about having the courage to take off the mask and bring our shadow into the light. As we expose our shadow to the light, it ceases to have power over us. As we move forward in faith, we discover a power within that we didn’t know was there. This is a workshop for the brave. Come discover your true power. On the one hand, it could save your very life and, at least, it can allow your journey to be a little less harrowing. You will find the registration form for this workshop below.
Where are all the real heroes today? The role models that once represented leadership for our youth are either absent or distant. Many young men today lack guidance to prepare them for manhood. Positive role models that modeled the fundamental qualities of manhood such as honesty, integrity, compassion, social responsibility and a commitment to purpose are crucial to the development of boys as they mature into conscious masculinity.
Now more than ever, our young people are yearning for a sense of belonging. The tragic news today reveals that single moms are raising 80% of children of African American descent. Fathers are not present for the most part. As a result, inner city youth often turn to urban gangs for leadership and male attention. Young men from privileged backgrounds perceive acquisitions as the measure of manhood. Young men from all backgrounds are entering into a troubled world with little preparation, little leadership and little hope.
In the time of our ancestors, tribes would initiate young men into manhood through a rite of passage. The elders of the tribe to ritualize the young man’s journey into manhood facilitated a ceremonial process involving a variety of challenges.
As the ones who have created the world that our youth will inherit, it is our responsibility to prepare our young people for the journey ahead. Although we cannot provide them with their answers, we can point them in the direction of the right questions to ask and support them by providing the tools necessary for their process of self-discovery.
For the tenth time since 2000, we’re once again gearing up for the Call to Adventure Rites of Passage Retreat for fathers and sons, boys and mentors. And we’re inviting men to gather for the 22nd Annual Spring Sacred Path Men’s Retreat at Gindling Hilltop Camp North of Malibu commencing Thursday, April 16 through Sunday, April 19. The theme of this retreat is “A Gathering of Remarkable Men.” In addition to the Wisdom Council staff, renown guests, fathers, sons and men from the Sacred Path Community, we’re anticipating having a number of young men from the inner city that are seeking to find the direction that leads to productive and fulfilling lives.
These youngsters that will participate with us on the mountain desperately need to be in the presence of good men that are modeling what it means to live a life of balance mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. This retreat provides a rare opportunity for young men to become heroes in their own lives and leaders in their community. The activities include Talking Stick Community Gatherings, interactive Tribe meetings, the Ropes Course, the Sweat Lodge and empowering workshops. We will be e-mailing the flier and registration form later this week. There is a discount for early enrollment so we encourage you to send in your deposit right away to reserve your spot.
Also, in this newsletter, in celebration of Valentine’s Day and the official dawning of the Age of Aquarius we are providing some information we believe you’ll find enlightening. Mariangela Pino and her husband, Hank Landau who is one of our remote Wisdom Council brothers, are coming to Los Angeles and presenting at the Bodhi Tree bookstore on the 14th. You will also find some information about the fund established to honor our departed brother, Timothy Aguilar.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
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