Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Review of "Removing Your Mask" Workshop

The March 14th workshop, “Removing Your Mask and Facing Your Shadow,” was attended by 17 men, 7 of whom were participating for the first time. Interestingly, there were quite a few older men in attendance who had realized that something was blocking their path to joy and satisfaction at this time in their lives.

Dr. Johnson began the meeting with readings and meditation, and then asked Jose Macias, a man with a powerful spirit indeed, to share a prayer with us. We each spoke of what we felt was holding us back in our relationships, careers, and spiritual development. The men had a rare opportunity by means of a powerful process to see how their internal voices could sabotage their efforts for a happy and meaningful life. They also learned how to generate positive voices to counter and neutralize the negative ones.

As many of the workshops gain their own personalities as they progress, this one became very light-hearted and positive toward the end. Many of the men left with smiles on their faces, feeling that they had gained a powerful tool to deal with their shadow parts that had been controlling their emotions and actions.

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