Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Director's Message for July 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Greetings, brothers and sisters of the Sacred Path Community,

During the month of June the Men’s Center sponsored a Day for Men about women featuring therapist Catherine DeMonte at Holy Spirit Retreat Center. One week later, I was a panelist at the First Annual BOND Men’s Conference in Los Angeles, and then the following Saturday a group of men gathered downtown to present certificates of achievement to the young men that participated in the 11th Annual Call to Adventure Rites of Passage Retreat. You will find write-ups and pictures from the BOND and CTA events in this newsletter. Additionally, the 2nd installment of my article, Why Men Fall for Dangerous Relationships, appears in this issue.

We’ll take the months of July and August off from any events and resume in September on Saturday the 25th for a day for men and women. Mark your calendars and we’ll provide more information about the program in the August newsletter. We’re considering some exciting possibilities for the Fall Sacred Path Men’s Retreat. I had inadvertently put the incorrect dates in the June newsletter. The actual dates are October 21-24.

After my mother and I simultaneously encountered health issues toward the end of June, putting the trip to Europe in question that my wife and I have planned for next week, I’m glad to say that I’m feeling much better and my mom is regaining her strength. As I am looking forward to our vacation, I wish you and your loved ones a fun and relaxing July.

In the spirit of those adventurous souls that forged the foundation of our country we have much to be grateful for as we celebrate today.

In brotherhood,

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