Sunday, April 3, 2011

Herb Rubenstein: Building and Flying Radio-Controlled Planes

Of all the cool things out there that you can do with your son, I would submit that building and flying a radio-controlled plane is one of the best bonding mechanisms there is.

At our workshop, we will explore this subject in depth. I will bring a simple plane that can easily be built in a couple of evenings, not some glitchy thing from the hobby store but a real plane that you build yourself, so that you are intimate with every detail and can repair it in minutes. I am talking about a 3-d style slow flyer that you will be able to control right away, and if it crashes – well, you know every connection, joint and component.

Because your kid is probably better on the joystick and has hundreds of hours of experience racing cars and maybe even planes, he will probably master the techniques of flying before you do! This is a great confidence builder for a kid. After all, when the two of you play basketball, who always wins? But flying an RC plane is an area where a kid is going to kick his dad's ass! The kid can be the expert and show his dad what's up – role reversal at its best.

I look forward to sharing my experiences and showing off my planes – and hopefully getting some recruits into the world of RC planes.


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