Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Comments on the Fall 2011 Sacred Path "Ashes" Retreat

Dear Brothers,

Some years ago Bob Fimiani gave voice to a sense of separation that I believe we all carry with us up to the mountain - he called it, "The Two Kingdoms". This split has many other names:

Masculine and Feminine
Sacred and Profane
Earthly and Heavenly
Visible and Invisible
Shadow and Light
Mountain and Valley

and so on...I'm sure you're adding to this list even as you read it...

These various distinctions attempt to give expression to a deep and profound sense of separation we carry as a fundamental element of our humanity, as well as a reflection of the journey we are taking, consciously or unconsciously, back home to our Oneness with all Life.

An exquisite result of that explosion we experienced years ago is that it brought this mostly unconscious split back into the light of awareness so we could give it meaningful and mindful attention.

Over the course of this last retreat I repeatedly observed and felt a current of bringing separated pieces back into wholeness. For example, I've noticed that Andrew and Thomas have chosen and worked to be integral parts of the community. When not conducting ceremony they are participating with us. Likewise, various splits between men, within men, between fathers and sons, were all being worked in conscious and extraordinary ways throughout retreat.

While I believe the sense of two kingdoms is inherent (or inherited?) in our nature, I'm delightfully participating with a group of men doing their work to dissolve separation and experience and express the deeper truth of our essential wholeness. I am very grateful. Thank you.

Tom Couper


Stephen and other brothers,

Words can’t fully express my gratitude to you, Steve B. and everyone for yet another
profoundly healing and rejuvenating retreat experience...Perhaps the expression on everyone's face can.
Here is the first of what I intend and trust will be a bi-annual group photo taken at 2PM every Sunday before closing ceremony.

Rob Bruce


Usually when we gather to end a Retreat there is music, and each man decides when he will leave the Container and return once more to the world below. At the end of this last Retreat, we had no music that was heard by the physical ear; a higher melody was playing. We gathered into a circle within the Container, arms around shoulder or waist; connected in an imperfect circle of life. Within was he who was physically challenged with each step, yet voiced the words of spirit that called the heart and soul. Within was he who was blind to the world; yet saw further than my eyes could see the horizon. Within were recent blooms of manhood with tales of the struggle of being a man, standing beside Redwoods of Life with tales of the glory of age. Within stood representatives of mankind as shown on the Medicine Wheel we studied in physical form and representatives of knowledge both near and far. In the formation of that imperfect circle we were the world in all its harmonious glory: One man holding up another with love, with honor and brotherhood. Tears came to my eyes then as they do now. There are rare moments when human hearts sing the same song – for me that was one of them.

I thank you for a most successful Retreat. It outdid April's. Scott, Tom and Grant - brothers what may I say: wopila, wopila, wopila.

Phillip Jennings


Dear brothers,

This retreat was my first after an absence of several years, and I felt a strong sense of love and belonging that I hadn’t experienced in quite a long time. I was overjoyed to see most of the same men with whom I shared my very first retreat and laughed harder and longer than ever before or since. I felt back at home in the rebuilt lodge that had burned to the ground and had been lovingly replaced. In many ways I needed time away in which to grow and learn to mesh with the spirit of the retreat in a brand new way, with openness, acceptance and a peaceful heart. In the past I was anxious to take the talking stick and speak; this time I was content to listen and soak in the deep energy shared so eloquently in the container. I also had the honor to room with Michael Tapia and learn from his experience in dealing with his vision loss. I’ve never seen a human being so energetic and involved with life! I am so glad to be back at the retreats once more, and just glad to be.

Rich Manners

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