I texted a client who is
struggling in his relationship and asked me for advice…only to realize I might
as well have been talking about myself and so many people I know as well.. I
think it reflects an abiding truth about most if not all relationships. I
thought you might find this worth reading. I'm going to include this among the
articles and essays on my website: I thought I would print this out for the men
and use it as a take off point for a break-out session or perhaps a discussion
point for either groups or in the larger container.
“ A worthwhile relationship
calls for a willingness to take a long hard look at your life. That isn’t easy
for any of us. We’d all like to think that love is enough and it is enough to
deeply care about someone. Living together and building a life together is
another thing. It takes real honesty, a commitment to the truth and a mature
sense of reality on both peoples part to figure this out. Wishful thinking or a
fantasy about it won’t cut it. Unless you both can get your essential needs
met, beyond desire and passion, it will end in resentment and disillusionment.
It will ultimately kill the love. Facing the truth isn’t easy. If two people really
love each other, they owe it to each other to be painfully honest about
whatever fears, doubts, concerns and red flags are present. It takes mature
compromise and negotiation to seal the deal in a committed relationship.
Winging it in the hopes that it will all work out is a wonderfully romantic
ideal and certainly possible but is the current prescription for the high
divorce rates. Soul mates are one thing. Good matches and compatibility is
another. Great romances may or may not make great marriages. Passion is
exhilarating and juicy but it can mask a lot of potential problems. The truth
beyond the chemistry, not the sex and romance, is what gives a relationship a
fighting chance rather than a chance for fights. If a relationship isn’t
working, why torture yourselves or each other. Putting the wrong penis into the
wrong vagina and thinking you are made for each other is truly trying to put a
round peg in a square hole. If it doesn’t work despite all best efforts, be
friends to each other and support each other in moving on rather than making
the mistake of moving in. If you are trying to be a pleaser or expect the other
person to change in order to make you happier…you are both bound to end up
unhappy. The road to a meaningful committed relationship is paved with truth
and understanding, not romance, sex and self-gratification addiction, the
factors that are pandemic to our dating and mating culture. Tell yourself and
the other person the truth about what you desire and need, not what you want to
believe and you think they want to hear. These are the principles of a mature,
conscious relationship built on integrity and mutual respect. “
1 comment:
Integrity & Mutual Respect...so important, so well said.
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