Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Director's Message for May 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008


The 21st Annual Spring Sacred Path Men’s Retreat combined with the 8th Annual Call to Adventure Retreat for fathers and sons, boys and mentors was quite fulfilling. We had a number of young men from age 12 upward with us. Some attended with their fathers and others participated with their mentors. Three came from Pacific Lodge Boys Home and 5 came from C.U.R.E. (Common Unity Reaching Everyone) with their mentor, Cameron Bonner. This was the third year in a row that we have been able to provide scholarships for young men from South Central Los Angeles and we’re pleased to be able to create a relationship with Pacific Lodge. It’s auspicious for me since my father was a major fund-raiser for Pacific Lodge during the 60’s and 70’s. In fact, their practice field is named after my father. One of the counselors presented me with a picture of the plaque that reads, “Johnson Field.”

The weather throughout the 4 days was outstanding and did not present any additional challenges like the 120-mile winds that were experienced during the fall retreat. I wish to acknowledge Philip Folsom and his team from Fulcrum Adventures who manned the ropes course. They were well prepared to lead us through the low elements team building trust exercises and the 5 high elements. One of their men, Ryan, facilitated an impromptu Kung Fu staff session following the ropes course and one of the C.U.R.E. young men, Artwan, picked up the most challenging routine as though he had been practicing for years. Andrew Soliz poured water for us once again during 3 sweat lodges. Justin Atanasio conducted drum-making workshops and the men of the Sacred Path Wisdom Council served as Tribe Leaders and facilitated break out sessions offering a variety of programs. We had 48 in attendance, including staff. Though the enrollments were down some, perhaps as a result of the tight economy and individual’s concerns regarding where their dollars are spent these day, the quality of the participants was stellar.

Special thanks are offered once again to Ken Valach for his generous contribution of $10,000 last year to our Walter Atkinson Memorial Scholarship Program that funds our youth oriented programs. I also wish to express gratitude to Phillip Jennings, Alan Hinds, Charlie Lagola and Tom Couper for their donations to our scholarship fund this year. As a result of the selfless giving of these men we were able to provide over $6,500 in scholarships for this past retreat. We welcome the gifts that are lovingly offered by our supporters. If you’d like to make a donation please let us know and we’ll provide a letter of acknowledgement that may be referenced in reporting your tax-deductible gift.

USC coach Pete Carroll has visited Helen Keller Park on two separate occasions and is aware of our support of C.U.R.E. and wants to assist our combined efforts to make a positive difference in the lives of these young men. It appears that I’ll be meeting with him one day soon and of course I’m looking forward to that with tremendous enthusiasm.
Coach Carroll is one of the men I hold in high regard not only for what he has done for the SC football program including his mentorship mentality in the way he shepherds the players but also for his dedication to making an impact in the extended community surrounding the campus. You might have seen the article that Kurt Streeter wrote about Pete for the sports section of the LA Times (“Carroll is a life force at street level”, Sunday, April 20, 2008).

Please note that the dates of the fall Sacred Path Men’s Retreat are Thursday, October 23 thru Sunday, October 26, 2008. I had announced at the retreat that I thought the dates were set for the 16th thru the 19th but when I checked with John Bard he confirmed that we’re in on the 4th weekend. Please mark your calendars now.

One of our Wisdom Council men, Jay Berger, contacted me several weeks ago regarding his vision that the Men’s Center would offer support to returning veterans who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of them are experiencing serious reentry challenges as well as the post-traumatic symptoms incurred from their experiences on the front lines. Their relationships are suffering and their family members are under severe duress. We have been in contact with Dr. Judith Broder who founded The Soldier’s Project to create a relationship and to offer our services. It’s our desire to have a number of vets at the October retreat and to provide additional support through our counseling program and workshops. We wish to expand the funds in the Conrad Burke Memorial Scholarship Fund to provide the financial viability for these men to take advantage of our resources. If you wish to give, you may designate where you specifically wish your donation to be utilized.

On Saturday, May 17th I will facilitate the 3rd in a series of Practicums on Mindfulness. This next event will focus on the practice of Stillness. We will again convene from 8:30 am until 4:30 pm at Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino. We’ll spend quiet time by the lake, experience a walking form of meditation, perform conscious breathing sessions, partake in a tasty lunch and sit in council as we explore how the Mindfulness practices are bringing more balance, peaceful serenity and lightness of being into our busy lives.
The enrollment is still open and there are some slots available as of this date. I hope you’ll consider joining us for the day. Further information and a registration form are provided in this newsletter.

Wishing you days filled with blessings and opportunities for gratitude. Thank you for investing the time to peruse this newsletter.

In the spirit of brotherhood,

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