Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Medicine Dance Field Trip May 27-31

In Almouth, England With Fred Sugerman

Intuition + Creativity + Connection = Healing

Major field trip. Merging of Cultures. A picturesque coastal village nestled on the northeast coast of England, with hiking, abundant wildlife, sand dunes and a river that runs into the sea. Intrigued? Are you inspired by the idea of working with a movement community that is curious and excited about our work?

Would you like to move with us in a comfortable rustic Community Hall with wood floors and natural light? Are you interested in Traveling to a new higher latitude which invites you to experience longer dusks and dawns?

Come. Join us for five days of Feeling and Moving, revealing layers of intuition, opening portals to creativity and remembering deep connection… to Self, to Other(s) and to the Earth/

Where: Almouth, England (Aln is the river and mouth is where the river meets the sea. Fly into London, train directly to Almouth.

When: Thursday, May 27th through Monday, May 31st

Who: Fred Sugerman, Movement Artist and Facilitator
Colleen Sugerman, Space Holder and Divine Hostess
Jane Virginia, Wise Woman, Seer and Liaison
And YOU (actually, 8 of you; first come first served)

Why: Adventure, Pleasure. Perspective, Community

How: Lots of Time, Movement, Music, Gathering Light, Seaside Environment and Awesome Company

Accommodations are plentiful. Google Almouth, England. There is the possibility of securing a house for our group. This would lower your accommodations cost considerably. Time is of the essence.

Cost of the retreat is $375.00 per person. This is for the Movement portion only; it does not include airfare, transportation, accommodations or food. Space is limited: first come, first served. We are going to have an inconceivable time. $150.00 non-refundable deposit due ASAP, balance due by March 15, 2101.

fsugerman@yahoo.com or 818-608-9848.

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