Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Director's Message for August 2010

August 1, 2010

Greetings, men and women of the Sacred Path Community,

I enthusiastically bring you news about two events that are occurring in the next few months. The first is a Day for Men and Women at Holy Spirit Retreat Center on Saturday, September 25th from 8:30am to 4:30pm. The theme of the day is: Men and Women: Autonomy, Interdependence and the Co-Creative Alliance. I have invited some guest presenter/facilitators to join me as we serve as guides for an exploration concerning topics of interest to both men and women individually and in relationship. Singles and couples are welcome. Click HERE to read more about this event and download the flier to register. Spaces will be limited to maintain the intimacy and enhance the depth of the experience.

I’m really excited to inform you that we are completing the details to bring a certified Firewalk team from Texas to our 23rd Annual Fall Sacred Path Men’s Retreat commencing on Thursday, October 21 through Sunday, October 24. I had done the Firewalk 5 times back in the 80’s with the Tony Robbins organization and I credit it as being one of the more significant breakthrough experiences of my life. The theme of this upcoming retreat is, Phoenix Rising: Into the Fire and Out of the Ashes. Over the next year we will be working with the elements of earth, fire, water and air. With the September 25th event we will begin our focus on the earthy nature of men and women in relationship. With our focus at the Fall Retreat on fire, including the Firewalk and Sweat Lodge ceremonies, we will also incorporate some additional surprises to enhance the power of the 4-day experience. Within the next couple of weeks we’ll have completed the flier for the retreat and will forward it to you so that you can register. For now, please be sure to mark your calendars with the dates for this profound retreat, October 21-24. You won’t want to miss this one.

Have a great rest of the summer,

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