Friday, October 1, 2010

Director's Message for October 2010

October 1, 2010

Greetings Sacred Path Community,

I’m enthused by the response that we’re receiving thus far for the Phoenix Rising Fall Sacred Path Men’s Retreat. Men are obviously excited by the prospects of being able to learn how to engage the phenomenon of mind-over-matter, empowering them to safely perform a FIREWALK. The team that we’re bringing in from Houston, Texas will present a seminar on Saturday, featuring information and processes designed to teach the principles allowing men to accomplish feats that expand beyond the ordinary into the realm of the extraordinary. The real purpose of all of this is to create breakthrough experiences demonstrating one’s capacity for transmitting the accomplishments into other practical fields of endeavor.

In addition to this part of the retreat, we will facilitate all of the other elements of the retreat that men have resonated with throughout the 23 years that we’ve been hosting the Sacred Path events. We’ll have a full Wisdom Council staff on board, with men flying in from all parts of the country to serve as Tribe Leaders and support personnel. And we’re blessed once again to invite Andrew Soliz to pour water for our Inipi (Sweatlodge) Ceremony.

Also, some of the men have asked if they could bring their sons, nephews or other young men to the retreat, and we are open to that possibility and will deal with each potential enrollment individually. Steve Branker will meet with the prospective younger men to make sure that this would be a good experience for them and that they could integrate well into the men’s community for this retreat.

If you haven’t registered yet for this retreat, I want to request that you send in your registration form now so that we can count you in for what will surely be a memorable experience. If you’ve been contemplating whether you can attend, or are perhaps experiencing resistance to participating, I encourage you to take the leap of faith and join your brothers on the mountain this month. We’re available and happy to speak with you personally to answer questions and discuss any of your considerations. We will convene in the late afternoon on Thursday, October 21st and adjourn at 3pm on Sunday the 24th. Please don’t let this opportunity come and go without you being one the reasons it was a success.

I wish to thank Dr. Bruce Derman, Dan Franklin, Catherine DeMonte, Gina Cloud and Andrea Fisher, our guest presenters during our day for men and women last Saturday at Holy Spirit Retreat Center. You can read a review of the event in this newsletter.

I’m welcoming Michael Lynch into my practice as an intern in training. Michael brings a rich variety of experience and will be seeing clients at a reduced fee primarily out of my Beverly Hills office. He is available to see clients in the Woodland Hills office as well. Please read the information about Michael in this newsletter and consider whom you might refer to him.

I’m looking forward to reconnecting with my brothers and making new friends at the upcoming retreat. See you on the mountain.

In the spirit of brotherhood,

P.S.: Here are some words of praise from a woman who sees what our retreats can do for her man: "Wow, you guys rock! All of you have so much to contribute to each other and I can not even imagine the powerful miracles happening before, during and after your upcoming retreat!

I am deeply moved and grateful to know that all of your contributions to the retreat group are contributions to each individual, family and our world. I send my love and peace to all of you with emphasis on The Retreat as a whole for the most powerful miracles ever!"

Click HERE to download the Fall 2010 Sacred Path Retreat Flyer
Click HERE to download the Fall 2010 Sacred Path Retreat Application

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