Sunday, August 5, 2012

Director's Message for August 2012

Greetings, Sacred Path Community,

We’re better than halfway through summer and two-and-a-half months from the 25th Anniversary Sacred Path Men’s Retreat.  Time flies and there’s so much to attend to with seemingly little time to do it.  Take a deep breath, drop your shoulders and give yourself a few minutes to just relax and enjoy breathing  in some invigorating, revitalizing energy.  I recommend periodic 3-minute breathing breaks where you take 20 connected breaths.  The benefits are immediate.

In this newsletter you’ll find what two of the men, Dan Stanton and Phil Jennings, had to say about their experience at the Sundance Ceremony on the Pineridge, Lakota Sioux Reservation in South Dakota in early July.  You can also read a blog post on the Yoga of golf written by a friend of mine, Dr. David Surrenda, CEO of Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health.  Dr. Jed Diamond, a long-time friend and colleague, is launching a campaign to save a million men’s lives.  Read what Jed has to say about the program and his latest book. 

As an update, I’ve been buttoning up the last details of my new book, The Sacred Path:  The Way of the Spiritual Warrior, byline: Journey to Mindful Manhood.  It will be in print by October.  Every participant that registers for the upcoming Sacred Path Retreat, October 18-21 will receive a copy.  I anticipate that the book may be available weeks before the retreat so if you register early you’ll probably be able to get your copy in advance so that you can start reading.  I’ve invited some men to attend the retreat and to present information that they have been working on that can be most helpful to you.
We’re gearing up for a moving and memorable experience when we gather together to celebrate 25 years of service to the Sacred Path community.  It will be a reunion and many men who have attended throughout the years will be onboard to commemorate our quarter century of good work.  I would like to have 100 men convening for this milestone event.   I am personally inviting you to be one of them and extending an open invitation from the Wisdom Council for you to join us.  This is a great opportunity to invite a friend, a relative, or simply a man-in-need to attend. 

We’re considering a pre-retreat event gathering in September.  This would be an opportunity for you to bring someone who is considering attending the retreat but who needs a little more information and a personal experience of who we are and what he’ll likely experience on the mountain in October.  We’ll provide more information about this event soon.  But for now, I encourage you to use the link to complete the pre-registration information and to commence the retreat experience.  It gets under way once you commit.  If you’ve  already made the decision to attend, please pre-register now to reserve your spot.  It makes it easier for us when we don’t have to contend with a deluge of 11th hour registrations. 

In the spirit of brotherhood,

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