Sunday, August 5, 2012

Jed Diamond: Campaign to Save Men's Lives

I grieve for the men and boys whose lives are cut short and for the women and families left behind.  I’ve been looking for a way to reduce stress that is simple to learn, easy to practice, scientifically sound, and, most importantly, effective.  I’ve found what I’ve been looking for, have tested it extensively, and now want to get this life-saving information to as many men as I can.  My new book, MenAlive:  Stop Killer Stress with Simple Energy Healing Tools, gives men what they need to stop the stress that shortens lives and destroys relationships. Here’s my simple idea:  We know stress kills, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  If we can reduce men’s risk of death to the same level as women's, we can save nearly a million men within three years.  Let’s get started.”  Within the next couple of weeks, MCLA will be providing more information about this campaign and how you can obtain a copy of Jed’s book.  This is his 10th book and for years Jed has been dedicated to helping men live better, healthier lives.  This book will make a difference in your life and you’ll be able to purchase a copy through our web site.

1 comment:

JedDiamond said...

Thanks for letting people know about our campaign to save the lives of a million males. You can get more information here: