Sunday, May 2, 2010

Director's Message for May 2010

Well, the 23rd Annual Spring Sacred Path Retreat and the 11th Annual Call To Adventure Rites of Passage Retreat are in the book. With 60 participants on board we logged one of the best retreats that we’ve ever facilitated. When I hear men remark, “this one was the best,” I tend to respond with, “that’s what you said last time, and the time before, and the twelve times before that,” but I heard, “yes, I know, but this one was really something!” I have to agree. The comments that I’ve heard and what I witnessed with my own two eyes reveal that something truly magical took place that changed men to the very core. Over the course of the weekend men of all ages approached me and stated that they were experiencing a profound transformation. More than one person exclaimed, “I am a changed man!”

Well-deserved credit should be given to the men of the Wisdom Council that staffed this retreat. I acknowledged during the closing community session that each of the men is like an individual facet of a diamond that sparkles radiantly because each of the facets reflects the light so brilliantly. I am very grateful to Steve Branker for his leadership in taking the helm of the CTA part of the retreat so that I could spend the time with the men on the SP side of the event. He did an extraordinary job. And, we wouldn’t have even had a CTA retreat this year if it weren’t for the fund raising efforts of Richard Biren. Andrew poured water for 4 sweat lodges. As he likes to suggest, “suffer while you can,” and I don’t believe any of those that sweated missed that opportunity. Thanks go to the Fulcrum crew for facilitating another challenging ropes course. Herb Rubinstein, Rob Bruce and James Kocsis took many great pictures, and you can view them in the gallery and view the slide shows set to the musical accompaniment of Tommy Holmes. To all of the participants, thank you for your contribution to the success of this retreat.

Mark your calendars now with the dates of the 23rd Annual Fall Sacred Path Men’s Retreat commencing Thursday, October 21 – Sunday, October 24, 2010. Our next one-day event for men will take place at Holy Spirit Retreat Center on Saturday, June 12th. Therapist Catherine DeMonte will be our guest presenter during the morning session. Her topic is: Women 101: A Discussion with and for Men, about Women, by a Woman.

We’ve all heard the expression, “Women...can’t live with them, can’t live without them.”
Many men are endeavoring to make the most of their relationships with their mates. Some are struggling with their relationships. I often hear complaints and pleas for help to strengthen the bond, deepen the intimacy and rekindle the passion. “I love my wife but I’m not in love with her,” seems to be a far too common theme these days. Many want to discover if the passion is gone or has just been misplaced. The concern about how to rekindle a loving relationship is central to the epidemic of sexless and loveless relationships. In fact, Oprah dedicated a whole show to the topic. During our afternoon session we’ll gather in large and small group formats to further explore the material that was presented during the morning session as we grapple with the issues that are of concern to men about the women in their lives.

I trust that you will enjoy the other elements comprising this month’s newsletter. Artwan’s heart-wrenching letter, Dan Franklin’s piece on Consciousness, and news concerning the launch of Jed Diamond’s latest book titled, “Mr. Mean” should prove informative, moving and entertaining.

Wishing you a wonderful May,

To view the slide show on the 2010 Call to Adventure Retreat click HERE

To view even more snapshots of the retreat, click HERE

To download the flyer/application for the June 12 Day for Men, click HERE

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