Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sign Up Now for June 12 Day for Men

Sacred Path Productions Presents
Women 101: A Discussion with and for Men, about Women
Catherine DeMonte, LMFT
Dr. Stephen J. Johnson, Ph.D.
Executive Director, The Men’s Center of Los Angeles
Saturday, June 12, 2010 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Holy Spirit Retreat Center, 4316 Lanai Road, Encino

At the heart of it, both men and women want the same thing from each other in a relationship: to feel "gotten" and understood. But because we approach getting our needs met differently, both men and women are too often left feeling like their partners don't understand or appreciate them. So many men say that they don't feel valued by their women, and so many women say they don't feel cherished by their men. Men often speak of not having enough sexual attention from their partners, and women often say they don't get enough emotional connection. How can we bridge that gap? How can both get their needs met? Learn what pleases women from a woman's perspective, and learn how you can garner the appreciation, attention and affection you so richly deserve from your woman!

Catherine DeMonte, LMFT has been in private practice since 1990. She works with couples and individuals and helps people address and heal the blocks and wounds that keep them from being their most authentic Selves. Her gifts include warm empathy and the ability to get to the heart of the matter. It's often said about her that she can hear what isn't said. She doesn't take sides. She is on the "side" of the relationship. Catherine is passionate about helping couples return to "Head-Over-heels"; that place that had couples wanting to get together in the first place. Please visit her website at or call (818) 880-6559.

Stephen J.Johnson, Ph.D. is the founder and Director of the Men's Center of Los Angeles, which was formed in 1988, and creator of the Sacred Path Men’s Retreat (since 1987) and Call to Adventure Rites of Passage Retreat for boys and men (since 2000). A licensed Psychotherapist in private practice since 1972, Dr. Johnson stands in the forefront of the developing field of Male Psychology and Gender Dynamics. For more information:

The fee for this event is $125.00, which covers program, lunch, morning and afternoon snacks. Checks should be made to the order of Sacred Path Productions, Inc. and should be mailed with the completed registration form to:
Men’s Center Los Angeles, 21243 Ventura Blvd., Suite 214, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Applications with credit card information can be faxed to (818) 348-9302.
For reservations, call Rich Manners at 818-888-8852 or e-mail:
Please put “Day for Men” in the subject of your e-mail.

To download the flyer/application, click HERE

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