Monday, March 5, 2012

Director's Message for March 2012

Greetings, Sacred Path Community,

I have a few announcements to make in this newsletter. To begin with, I want to thank the 25 men who gathered for the Mindfulness Practicum held in Topanga Canyon a few weeks ago.  It was 35 degrees outdoors when we arrived to set up at 7:00am.  It remained cool outside but we had a roaring fire all day to keep us warm.  The depth and breadth of the work accomplished was profound.  The takeaways were tangible and the notes of acknowledgment greatly appreciated.  I offered an additional discount to those attending the Practicum and who are registering for the Retreat.

Secondly, we’re about 6 weeks from the start of the 25th Annual Spring Sacred Path Men’s Retreat combined with the 12th Annual Call to Adventure Retreat for fathers and sons, boys and mentors.  Take advantage of the early bird discount by registering before March 15th.  We’re dedicating the MCLA/SP events for 2012 to the good men and their loved ones who have been deeply committed to improving their lives.  We’re celebrating the 25 years that the Men’s Center has been in existence and has maintained the mission of providing high quality opportunities for personal transformation.  The Spring Retreat is another in the lineage of memorable experiences for men from teenage years to elderhood.   Your support through participation is what has allowed us to stay the course for all of these years.  Once again you are invited to join your brothers on the hill.

I just learned that Andrew Soliz will be able to join us along with Thomas Alvarez to pour water for our Sweat Lodges.  Tom Couper has also invited Bill Stover, a Lakota Elder, to be our guest for this retreat.  Fulcrum Learning and Leadership Systems will once again be facilitating the Ropes Course.  The men of the Wisdom Council will be on board to offer their support, and of course, all of the great amenities provided by the Hilltop staff are available to us.  The only significant element missing at this point that would complete the experience is you.  So, if you haven’t registered as yet, please contemplate that your participation makes a difference for you and in the lives of those that you contact. 

Thus far, two of our men have generously committed to donate scholarship funds so that we can offer the CTA Retreat to men and boys from the inner city.  We can use more funds to be able to bring more triads (each comprised of two boys and one mentor) into the mix.  Please consider giving a donation, large or small, it all adds up (read the Calling All Heroes piece in this newsletter).  We will be bringing a few triads in from the USC/NAI program and additional triads from at least one other organization.  It’s always an outstanding opportunity for the men and boys from the suburbs to engage with the young and older men from the urban environment.  The realization of how much they all have in common is illuminating.  Bringing out the best in good men from all areas of our city makes for a real fulfilling culmination to the retreat as we welcome the younger men into the community of older men.

Thirdly, I have invited Leonard Orr, my friend and mentor of 38 years who has been one of my most influential spiritual guides, to return this June (the 1st through the 3rd) to present three events for men and women at Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino.  There will be a public presentation on Friday night followed by a seminar on Saturday and a Rebirthing workshop on Sunday. 

During the Friday presentation Leonard will speak about the importance of mastering energy. He will also tell us that it’s the time to become proficient at the practice of tuning into our intuitive information as our eternal process. He states that, “The mind has 50,000 thoughts per day, the body has over 1 billion every second,,, the body is over 1000 times as smart as the mind.”

The Saturday seminar will feature the topic of BALANCING MATERIAL AND SPIRITUAL SUCCESS and will focus on what constitutes true success, including money and complimentary money systems, investing, financial independence and spiritual values.  Leonard will show people how they can double their income through doing high quality work.  He will also show participants how to make a living from the self-improvement business. 

The Sunday workshop will allow participants to experience a guided Rebirthing Breathwork session.  Read in this newsletter an article by Leonard and what I wrote last year following Leonard’s work with our community.  Further information and registration materials will be posted in the April newsletter, but for now set the dates aside.  I know you won’t want to miss out on this opportunity to be with one of the most gifted and significant teachers on the planet today.

Lastly, but certainly not least, I wish to pay homage to my dear friend and mentor, Dr. Gary Fisher, who made his transition at the age of 80 on Saturday, April 3 at midnight.  I had known Gary for 43 years and feel blessed to have had such a deep and loving connection with another really good man. He will be dearly missed by many.

In brotherhood,

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