Monday, March 5, 2012

Where Are All the Heroes?

Stephen J. Johnson, Ph.D.

Where are all the real heroes today? Role models that represent leadership for our youth appear to be absent or in short supply. Many young men today lack guidance to prepare them for manhood. Positive role models that represent the fundamental qualities of mature masculinity such as honesty, integrity, compassion, a sense of social responsibility and a commitment to purpose are needed now more than ever before.

In fact, now more than ever, our young males are yearning for a sense of belonging. Inner city youth, succumbing to the dramatic absence of fathering and mentoring, turn to urban gangs for a sense of belonging. Males from privileged backgrounds perceive acquisitions as the measure of manhood. It is evident that young men from all backgrounds have entered a troubled world with little guidance, diminished preparation and dashed hope.

In a time of our ancestors, tribes would initiate young men into manhood through a rite of passage. The elders of the tribe to ritualize the young man’s journey into maturity would facilitate a ceremony involving some form of challenge.

As the ones who created the world our youth will inherit, it is our job to prepare our young people for the journey ahead. Although we cannot provide them with their answers, we can point them in the direction of the right questions to ask and equip them with tools for their process of self-discovery. The Call to Adventure Retreat is a rare opportunity for young men to become heroes in their own lives and leaders in their community.

THE CALL TO ADVENTURE RETREAT offers contemporary rites of passage into manhood for young men. This is an ideal bonding experience for fathers and sons. In today’s culture, it is critical that young men have pivotal experiences that present a model of true manhood. This retreat is that transformational adventure!

Not only for fathers and sons, but for spiritual warriors of all ages… a four-day vision quest into the heart of one’s soul that includes discussions, stories, leadership and following processes, a team building ropes course, workshops, sacred ceremony, time for introspection, self-reflection and meditation all geared to providing dynamic opportunities to discover one’s authentic self within a context of safety, acceptance, understanding and love.

We endeavor to open the world of conscious manhood to those seeking enhanced awareness, clarity of values, sharpened skills and a mature masculinity modeling what it means to be a good man today. We will not be mailing out the flier but rather will spread the word via the Internet and interpersonal contact. Please pass this message to those that you would like to invite and you can also download and print the flier to hand out. We’re looking forward to assembling upwards of 80 participants for this very special event and we sincerely hope that you’ll choose to be with us.

Partial and full scholarships are awarded based on request and established by need. At this point we have approximately $1,000 and another $4-5,000 committed from two of our men in support of our upcoming 25th Annual Spring Sacred Path Men’s Retreat happening concurrently with the 13th Annual Call To Adventure Retreat. Their committed donations are earmarked for the CTA portion of the combined retreat (April 12-15, 2012). We would like to increase this fund by at least $5,000 in order to bring more deserving boys and mentors to the SP/CTA Spring Retreat. For each $500 that is donated we can fully scholarship one participant. Please consider making a donation or getting the message out to sources capable of contributing to our Scholarship Funds. All donations in any amount are welcomed and greatly appreciated.

For those wishing to donate to assist men in need, you can earmark your donation for the Conrad Burke Memorial Scholarship Fund. If you wish to contribute to our youth scholarship fund, you can earmark your donation for the Walter Atkinson Memorial Scholarship Fund. Checks may be made out to Millennium Oaks Institute that manages our scholarship programs. M.O.I is a 501c3 Not-For-Profit Organization that is overseen by Charlie Atkinson, Walter’s son. Thank you for your generous support of our programs.

You’re invited to participate with a group of dedicated individuals committed to supporting the work of the Men’s Center Los Angeles through our efforts to provide inner city boys the opportunity to have a memorable experience of conscious manhood. There are a number of areas in this endeavor that can use more manpower. MCLA is working in collaboration with Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas and the Los Angeles County Second District, C.U.R.E., USC coach Pete Carroll’s A Better LA, UNITY, those in prevention with LAPD, LA County Probation, County of LA Sheriff’s Department as well as LA County Parks and Recreation to expand our youth enhancement program. We sincerely hope that you’ll favorably consider joining us.

Our mission is to offer these retreats to more young males residing in the inner city. Upwards of 80% of African American children in south central Los Angeles and other urban areas across the nation are growing up without a biological father in the home, and we want to make a positive difference. Our current focus is on reaching out to private and corporate sponsors to help underwrite this program. Please consider making a contribution to our scholarship programs to support men and boys worthy of our help. On behalf of the men of the Sacred Path Wisdom Council, I thank you for your consideration of this request. Please notify us of your intention to make a contribution and we will discuss your preferred method of payment and provide further information concerning a tax deduction.

The 13th annual CTA is fast approaching. The event commences Thursday afternoon, April 12th, and concludes Sunday afternoon, April 15th 2012. It takes place on a hilltop overlooking the coastline, just beyond the Malibu city limits in Ventura County. A varied menu and comfortable lodging are provided. An enriching experience is promised. An adventure of personal development is guaranteed.

Visit our website,, to read more about our programs and this upcoming retreat. Listen to audio recordings and view videos that illustrate what has been accomplished when good men come together to make a positive difference in their own lives and the lives of others.

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