Monday, March 5, 2012

Meet Leonard Orr

The following is what Stephen had written for the newsletter a year ago after Leonard’s visit to Los Angeles:  “We had a group of about 50 that attended Leonard Orr’s presentation on Friday night and 43 for the experiential day featuring conscious connected breathing sessions. I’ve known Leonard since 1974 and he never ceases to amaze me.  I introduced him Friday night not only as an original thinker but simply put, an original.  He is one of a kind.  His ideas and concepts are revolutionary and tend to push one to stretch beyond the scope of ordinary self-limiting reality to expand one’s mind and embrace the extraordinary realm of human consciousness. 

We had the perfect blend of male and female seekers that came together exuding such peaceful and loving radiance throughout the weekend.  You’ll find another of Leonard’s articles herewith including a review of the weekend by Rich Manners. Many thanks to all who participated and to the 15 skilled Rebirthers that assisted, you made a significant impact on the quality of the practicum.  We’re looking to next June to create another event featuring Leonard.

The women who attended acknowledged the consciousness of the men that were present.  So many events of this nature are packed with women and a smattering of men.  Conscious women love being in the presence of heartfelt, conscious men.  The Sacred Path Community is not only a community of men but is also comprised of the women that love the men and love being around our men.” 

Meet Leonard Orr

Leonard Orr was born in Walton, New York. During his teen years, he became a born again Christian. When he converted to Christianity and started to read the Bible, he took Jesus' words literally "He who believes in me shall never taste death," that anyone who believed in Jesus literally would not die.

He attended seminary with plans of becoming a preacher. However, while in school, Leonard said he felt a calling to be a minister to the "unchurched".  Pursuing this feeling of a calling and some of his curiosity about life, Leonard soon was reading and practicing "New Thought" philosophy such as Science of Mind based on metaphysical concepts.

He began teaching others that thoughts affect the outer world, and gathered a following. During this time he found he was spending increasing amounts of time in the bathtub, literally staying in for hours every day. He was having frequent flashes of memories of being in the womb or being born. He watched this process for a few years and began to understand what was happening. He then shared his experiences and found that there were many people interested in experimenting with ways to recall their birth memories. Leonard created "Theta House", the first Rebirthing Center to accommodate this interest. These early Rebirthers began breathing with a snorkel in a hot-tub while floating face down,(usually supported by 2 or more people), to stimulate womb memories. He noticed that a certain breathing rhythm would occur, which led to the start of the Rebirthing-Breathwork technique out of water.
Throughout this time, Leonard was fascinated with the idea of not experiencing physical death – which he termed "physical immortality," and read, studied and searched for all the information that he could on the subject.

In 1973 he ran for mayor in Los Angeles.

Leonard Orr is the founder and father of the worldwide Conscious Breathing – Rebirthing Breathwork movement. He discovered the technique in the mid 1960’s. Through him it has spread like wild fire to over 27 countries, and over 100,000 Breathworkers throughout the world. Conscious Breathing/Rebirthing has been nick named the Pranayama, (yogic breathing,) of the west.

He is a life-long student of self-transformation, body mastery, and is one of the pioneers of the New Age. He is a modern day yogi, visionary, teacher, author, businessman, and leader in the fields of longevity and physical immortality. He has been lecturing and doing trainings all over the world for 38 years. He has met 8 immortal yogi masters so far and has been their devoted student for over 28 years. He is the author of over 20 books. His unique ideas have healed and changed the lives of millions worldwide.

His ideas are exceedingly transforming and revolutionary. Some of his topics include Conscious Breathing, healing with the elements; earth, air, water, and fire, spiritual enlightenment, self-healing, body mastery, the science of affirmations, responsible citizenship, personal success and self-improvement, prosperity, democracy, comparative religion, economics, health, and immortality.

Leonard is famous not only for discovering Conscious Breathing-Rebirthing, but he also defined the “8 Biggies of Human Trauma:”
Birth Trauma
Parental Disapproval Syndrome
Specific Negatives
the Unconscious Death urge
Past Life Karma
School Trauma
Religion Trauma

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