Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Director's Message for November

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This newsletter is getting out a little early because our beloved editor, Rich Manners, is heading to the open seas for a two week cruise of the Hawaiian Islands. It’s fitting that we’re releasing this now since we’ve just returned from our 21st Annual Sacred Path Retreat in which 60 men participated. I never cease to be amazed at the power of these retreats when good men gather to bring out the best in themselves.

Personally, it’s always a joy to be on the mountain and the beautifully reconstructed community building was a welcome sight. It has been four years since it had burned to the ground. The large tents that had served as our meeting area and dining hall have been removed opening up an unobstructed view of the surrounding hills and coastline. The weather was perfect and just the right temperature to support all of our activities especially our daytime sweat lodges.

Andrew Soliz, who normally pours water for us in the lodges, was taking a group down the Colorado River on the kayak trip that the Wisdom Council participated in last February. In his place, Thomas Alvarez, Andrew’s cousin, stepped up to facilitate our lodges. Both Andrew and Thomas are Sun Dancers on the Pine Ridge Lakota Reservation. Thomas brought a lighthearted element to the serious nature of the Sweat Lodge easing the anxiety of those that were first timers. His contact with Spirit deepened the sacred nature of the healing work that was provided to those in need during each of the three lodges that were conducted. It was a special privilege that Thomas was able to join us because his Grandmother had just passed on Thursday morning. He and his family knew that she was in a good place and they were fully supportive of Thomas coming to bring prayers to the men through ceremony.

The community was comprised of men as young as16 as well as those representing each decade into the 60’s. The Wisdom Council once again manned up to create a full and varied program for the men who engaged wholeheartedly in the work. There was laughter balanced with intense moments of emotional release. The honesty and openness of the men was profound and deep while the Tribe skits on Saturday night were quite zany. Carl Wood, our fire dancer, performed his incredible fire spinning for us on Saturday night and Ed, Christo, Peter and Fred brought the evening to a close with music and movement. Albert, with the assistance of Timothy, led the men in some martial arts processes with the use of sticks. Cardiologist, Dr. Howard Elkin presented a breakout session on health, anti-aging and well-being. Our morning sessions consisted of movement with Fred while Clayton facilitated Yoga, Danny and Christo led Chi Gong, Timothy taught meditation and some of the men in the community offered some impromptu sessions from their own skill sets. The community gatherings and tribe meetings were rich.

We didn’t have as many Vets with us as we had hoped but those in attendance were acknowledged for the selfless gift of service that they have provided to our country.

Save the dates (mark your calendars now) for the Spring Call to Adventure Rites of Passage Retreat for youth, fathers and mentors this coming April 16-19, 2009 followed by the 22nd Annual Fall Sacred Path Men’s Retreat next October 22-25, 2009.

There are a few openings for the Mindfulness Practicum for women that I am facilitating (with my assistants Mitch Roth and Clayton Norcross) on Saturday, November 8th at Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino. The date is fast approaching, so if you were planning to attend or considering the possibility, please get your registration in right away so that you won’t be left out of what promises to be a very special day. I’ve not ever facilitated a day just for women and I’m looking forward to the experience. Since my work has been primarily directed toward men in the past 20 plus years I am pleased to be inspired to provide some programs in 2009 to include women and to assist couples. If you’d like to mark your calendars now, the following dates have been slotted at Holy Spirit for a series of Practicums: January 31, March 14, May 23, July 18, September 26 and November 7. I will be announcing the formats as my inner direction is revealed.

In the spirit of the approaching holiday season all of us at The Men’s Center and who walk the Sacred Path wish you and yours a haunted Halloween and a festive Thanksgiving.


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