We move through these little lives
along a tangled course of enlightenment
into a greater field of awareness.
We hold the light for each other
as we stumble through our shadows.
We reach out when we are able
and hide behind our pride when we are not.
We do the best we can.
Into a world of illusion and deception, we are all born innocent.
Into a greater awakening, we are all released.
Take these masks that have served me well
in my human masquerade.
You can place them on the alter
where my soul and I have prayed.
Or toss them in the fire
to bring light to this dark night.
These faces that you have known as me
fall away like leaves in the changing of the season
that calls further down the road.
I will follow the road as it disappears over the hill
in the dying of the light.
I will take nothing with me
and I will leave behind the ways I’ve loved you.
Don’t look for me in the stories we told each other
or in the dreams we shared.
Think of me in an open field, embraced by infinite peace
standing face to face with my true identity
in the breaking of the dawn.
– Ed Munter
* * *
I am both deeply saddened and in shock by this news. I know that Timothy changed my life and the lives of Laura and Brook (my wife and daughter) for the better. The time spent together and with his presence in community has made me a better man. The compassion , wisdom and love that Timothy shared with us is in turn shared with everyone we come in contact with. This knowledge provides me with a thread of peace in this moment.
My love goes out to Timothy's relatives and family. Timothy brought me to the Sacred Path and my love goes out to that extended family as well.
Soar Eagle brother, you will be missed. We will visit in our dreams.....
Steve Reynolds
* * *
Timothy was a good-hearted, fun-loving man as I knew him with a depth of emotion and curiosity about life. While others knew him better, our generally short but intimate interactions at the retreats suggested a certain knowingness between us. He could quickly make you feel that he got where you were in your life without having to explain a lot. I found that to be a comforting and loving quality. We shared enough for me to know that his life was interesting, provocative and filled with a series of rites of passage that kept him engaged in living. I know how much he adored his son. He is already missed and will always be apart of our community, in spirit, as he was in life.
I am heartbroken over the loss of our brother Timothy. He was a special man, whose gifts helped us find our inner peace, compassion, and love. His strong body and gentle manner helped us see how we could be both the warrior and lover within our lives. His transition over the years with the Sacred Path was an excellent example of how we could be the type of man we want to be for our family, friends, and community. Timothy was my brother and my friend... My prayers are with Timothy and his family, that they may find peace and joy. God Bless Timothy. God Bless his family, especially his son. God Bless the men of the Sacred Path for they have lost a true friend and brother. TIMOTHY, YOU WILL BE MISSED...
With Much Love & Sadness, Your Brother Dan Franklin
* * *
It's the crack of dawn and we are on Meditation Point....Tim is in one of his outrageous outfits (the only guy to bring costume changes) leading the meditation. I see him backlit by the rising sun.......I see his smile.....so long my good buddy, I know your journey is over and you are at peace....but I sure miss you.
All the years I knew the man I had never once seen him upset or angry. His smile would always greet me and make me feel welcome.
Herb Rubinstein
* * *
This is the poem that resonates Whispering Eagle with me.
Namaste, M. David Green
Buffalo Bill's
who used to
ride a watersmooth-silver
and break onetwothreefourfive pigeonsjustlikethat
he was a handsome man
and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death
(-ee cummings)
* * *
Though I have been outside of the WC inner circle lately, I feel the need to say:
When I think of Timothy I feel a compassionate male energy, full of the duality that we all feel inside. He was me and I was him. He symbolizes to me what we as men struggle with, sometimes in silence....
I have come to appreciate more with time what he was perhaps here to give us. I saw a vision of a man with a strong exterior and a fragile interior, which I relate to deeply. I humbly suggest we honor him by pledging to reach out to men in need as he did for us, leaving all judgment and opinion behind and just loving each other for who we are. We get to carry each other… Bono
Chris Rudy
* * *
To me, Timothy was the epitome of walking the talk. He was what he asked us all to be, and was way tougher on himself than he ever was with any of us. In the midst of chaos and angry voices, he would speak out with gentility, compassion and love. And he would never give up. My strongest vision of Timothy was on the ropes course – he was walking the log blindfolded (of course!). When he lost his footing and fell, he had the assistants haul him back up to the log – still blindfolded- to finish his walk. May we all have that kind of courage and persistence to walk through life in the footsteps of Whispering Eagle.
Rich Manners
* * *
Timothy Whispering Eagle was one of the most authentic men I ever came to know. He had the strength of Samson and was gentle like a lamb.
He could mirror me so I could see my fault and would spotlight me to see my splendor.
When I grew bored of his ceremonial ways, he reveled in my opposition, denial and freedom to differ.
I loved to make Timothy laugh because then I knew I was really funny.
I loved watching Timothy cry because then I knew I was safe to feel.
I hated to hear Timothy brag because I knew he was telling a truth I envied
Timothy was a living angel so he just started doing his eternal work early.
Every time I hug a man – heart to heart – I’ll remember I learned that loving hug from Timothy.
It was a blessing to know Timothy Whispering Eagle and it’s a blessing I promise to pass on.
Jay Berger
* * *
Timothy, you taught me how to find my feet and walk like a man.
You did this simply by walking like a gentle man of God.
In my first lodge you taught me how to sit up straight and embrace the cleansing that only a spiritual fire can bring.
You did this by sitting with me and at times letting me lean upon you.
Timothy you taught me how to dance and sing.
You did this by dancing with your heart and singing from your soul.
You taught me how to be quiet and let life flow through me.
This you did without much effort at all.
And lastly my brother, you taught me how to freely give love and encouragement to another soul.
You did this by loving me.
Thank you for walking this path with me Timothy. I will try to honor you by teaching others.
Your loving brother,
Tommy Holmes
* * *
Dear Brothers,
The passing of our beloved brother, Timothy "Whispering Eagle" Aguilar, was a devastating loss to our community of men. He was a beautiful human being who helped me in many ways as well as others. I have been fortunate to have known him since he became a part of our community. I have watched him grow to the man we knew when he left us on Saturday. One of the many things that stick in my mind was how Timothy taught me to meditate one year when we were on the mountain. It was one of the most awesome experiences I have ever had. I will miss him at our monthly Wisdom Council Meetings and at the retreats. His spirit will always be with me. I am a better man for knowing him and learning to his teachings.
Bruce Figoten
* * *
Dear Brothers,
It has taken me a few days to get over the shock of Timothy's passing. It has been a long time since I've been able to be in direct physical contact with all of you. That does not mean that you have not been in my heart. This news left me speechless. I couldn't find words to express the empty feeling inside me. Today while reading an article on Eckhart Tolle by Donna Mosher her opening paragraph expressed what I felt whenever I was in the presence of Timothy. "Throughout the ages, spritual masters have walked among humanity, reminding us that we are divine embodiments in physical form. Each has reveaed the universal truth that we are more than our bodies, more than our minds, more than our daily tasks, more than our relationships with others and that love is our essence."
In Love and gratitude for having known him.
Les Brown
Oh. Man.
When I first went to a Sacred Path Retreat (The Lover, I think) I was a boy in a man's body. Timothy was raw power in the body I always wished I had, in the kind of humility and transparency I aspire to and often feel I am nowhere near enough. He scared me and excited me and inspired me and annoyed me simultaneously and with a tidal surge of emotion I never and still don't fully understand.
But I will never forget his Way with me, and with so many other guys, that humble, quiet but fierce way the man just knew who I was, saw me exactly as I was, and imbued his affection and love for me as the older brother I never had before. And he said so, every retreat, every time I saw him, ran across his path--he'd say "I see you, brother" and I knew to the core of my Being that yes, indeed, this man absolutely saw me and he demonstrated and represented unconditional acceptance. He taught me how to stand on my feet and pick my head up, no matter what my brain wiring was doing to me... showed me what I was capable of accomplishing, with nothing more than the way he saw right into my soul.
Oh man, do I miss him and regret taking it for granted that when I finally could get back up on the Hill, Timothy would be there as always, in some crazy gorgeous outfit, arms open, grin that lit up the air... oh. man.
Reading my brothers' words about him, their experiences with him, it all just reminds me how he was and all my memories flood back in and swamp me like I just got worked down at County Line in the biggest damned wave...and washed up onto the shore.
When Stephen said, "May I humbly suggest that when you think of Timothy, be mindful of his message to you and always aspire to be that person that his words inspired you to be," I instantly felt my heart tighten in my chest, the warrior spirit inside my soul sit up straighter, formally, seiza. Yeah, I'll do that. I'll pick my head up and remember that which he gave me, how he put feet under me and helped me grow up. I'll do that, Timothy. Because I remember that you saw me. You knew who I was.
Indeed, Timothy, I see you. and I know who you are. And I. Will. Never. Forget. You.
Timothy Whispering Eagle
I go through my day
Doing the things I do for work
But I am only partially here.
Part of me realizes
Tim should be here too
But he isn’t.
It doesn’t seem fair
Part of me doesn’t believe it.
I carry him in my heart and I see his smile.
I remember his magnificence on the hill.
I have pictures of us drumming at Donna’s
For Matthew’s surprise birthday party
February 22, 2008.
I have pictures of us drumming
At Donna’s Thanksgiving party
November 30, 2008.
How can a guy just die?
How can he leave into the black void?
These things happen, I guess.
Today I sit like a rock
Timeless and solid
Old as the earth
A piece of history.
Remembering how tall, how strong and good
Was Timothy, the Whispering Eagle.
What a laugh, with that sparkle in his eyes,
What depth in his look into my eyes.
His seeing was like the seeing instructed by don Juan
Multiple awareness in many worlds.
He once reported an older teacher told him
his knife was a little too sharp.
Humble and fierce, attentive and easy,
The days of crazy fun and awesome sunsets
Are over for you brother,
But we carry you in our hearts,
We will never forget.
Max Ackerman
my condolences to all the men of the sacred path on the passing of timothy. my wishes of healing and light to all of you.
with peace and light,
I had the pleasure of dancing with Timothy many times at the Ecstatic Sunday class. He had elegance, power, and playfulness; he moved his life, and Life moved through him.
Timothy was truly a masterful teacher, so wise and compassionate in his words. Many years ago, I was troubled because although I wanted a relationship, no one was asking me out, nor did I seem to be attracting anyone to share my passion.
I went to him and asked what it was I could do, to attract and hold a man close?
Whispering Eagle spoke softly in my ear. "The guard at the gate of the door to a Woman's heart, is a Warrior. But, remember, the guard at the door of the Man's heart. is a young girl holding a basket of flowers. If you want to win a man's heart, be gentle with him, and accept his shy gifts, because on the inside, he is more fragile than he appears on the outside. And so it is the opposite for the Woman."
This gem I treasure, because it taught me to step in a more sensitive, patient way towards men.
Soon thereafter, I found there was someone who wanted to bring flowers to my heart.
Thank you, Timothy, for your mischievous smile, caring heart, passion for dance, and dedication to a loving community. May our thoughts & prayers take wings and touch your Soul.
Lovingly, Marci Javril
Tim was my childhood friend, he is part of some my oldest and fondest memories, we played sports, competed, went to the beach,acted out, went to school, and graduated school together (grammer, jr high & high school) and then went on with our lives. I have been on a spirtitual path myself for the past 22yrs. I was moved by his ceremony today and by the people in his life and the light they shinned on him, thanks Roland
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